I promised a year-end mix. I'm working on it. It's just fucking difficult to narrow down around 100 songs to around 25. If you're a true jben.ok stan, you remember my Top 50 Countdowns of 03, 04, and 05. I'm still debating doing that, but in the past, it's been slightly more mainstream. And I don't wanna do that.
Here's what I have for you now:
OMNiVerse and Funkadelic Freestyles present to you...
DVS - Nigga I Know James!!! (Produced by tREBLEFREE)
The James Brown dedication EP you need in your collection. The zshare link does NOT have enough downloads yet. Support quality, independent hip hop.

Keep it locked, 2007 mix/countdown coming soon!
i'm not going to lie but im excited for this tape your putting together. might have to write a review if its worthy