That's K-Murdock of Panacea at Red Bull Big Tune DC, the producer battle held last month at the 930 Club. Unfortunately he lost to DC hitmakers Best Kept Secret in the semi-finals, but the good news: both Panacea and BKS will be at our election night shindig next Tuesday. Anyway, yesterday K- Murdock joined me in-studio for a special interview on the release night of their new album, A Mind On A Ship Through Time. The emcee Raw Poetic couldn't make it out because he was sick, but if you know Mr. Murdock like I do, he's always a good interview on his own. (Probably because he hosts a very dope show called Subsoniq on XM. Whaddup KB?)
Here's the podcast from last night's show - although there's about 10 minutes missing at the beginning. You won't really miss too much though; there's 44 minutes tacked onto the file below. We talked about the new album, K-Murdock and Raw Poetic's various collaborations (too many to list!), and the new XM-Sirius merger that will result with a DJ Jamad-Subsoniq back-to-back lineup! We played two cuts from the album - "Mustard Seed Celebration" and "Orange Pencillin" - plus a remix K-Murdock did for Nicolay & Kay's "As The Wheel Turns." Stay tuned later this week for some exclusive cuts K- Murdock blessed me with...
great interview, thanks for showing my brothers K-Murdock and Raw P continued love and support. Keep bring that good music to the airwaves!